Students who complete the BFI (BAC Français International) at the Lycée International de Valbonne have had a sophisticated anglophone education in language, literature, history, geography and culture. The experience of the student is not just an immersion in a challenging academic environment, but also an enriching cultural one.

Students entering the lycée in 2nde are expected to be fluent in both English and French. Students must be able to understand, speak and write French. It is important to be aware that the majority of classes are taught in French. As for English, they must be capable of expressing themselves in a sophisticated way when working on oral and written assignments.

In 2nde, students study English literature five hours a week and history/geography in English two hours a week. In addition, they have two hours a week of history/geography in French.

In 1ère and Terminale, English literature classes meet four hours a week and history/geography in English two hours a week as well as two hours in French, in addition to two hours a week in Connaissance de Monde-a new American perspective global studies research seminar in English.

School Year 2025-2026 
website to be updated in March 2025

* Seconde 
In 2024, there was no new recruitment in the American international section except for students already enrolled in an equivalent international section in another academy or abroad, who moved to the area or, subject to availability and on complementary list, if students have an outstanding language level and knowledge of the section language culture (eg long stay abroad, dual nationality, bilingual family…).
In 2025, there will likely be an admissions test, oral and written, in English and in French, to be confirmed in early 2025.

* Première/Terminale 
In 2024, only students already enrolled in an American international section in another academy or abroad, who moved to the area, were admitted.

In case of admission of a new student, the registration documents of both the Lycée and ASEICA, the International Anglophone Section, are to be completed.

See also International Section 2024-2025 School Fees (to be updated for 2025-2026).


More than 920 students currently follow ASEICA Literature and Humanities programs in one of the four collèges in the Sophia Antipolis area offering the Brevet International. After 3ème, students integrate the anglophone section of the Lycée International de Valbonne.

It is important to understand that ASEICA functions within the French state educational system. Children entering the Anglophone sections at Niki de St. Phalle, Eganaude, César or the CoIV will have 65% of their course content provided in French by the French Education Nationale teachers. The remaining 35% is provided in English by ASEICA teachers, although children may receive their English tuition from Education Nationale colleagues.

The admissions policy into the Anglophone section is defined by Education Nationale. The 6ème entrance examination is organized by the Inspection Académique. Students are tested both in French and English (written and oral).

Students who have attended the International anglophone section at Sartoux Elementary School in Valbonne or the Trois Collines Elementary School in Mougins automatically transition into the English program at one of four middle schools, provided they receive a favorable recommendation from the Teachers' Council. Placement at Niki de St. Phalle, L'Eganaude, César, or the CoIV is determined by the Academic Inspector and depends on the place of residence and the number of students from the various sectors accepted into the program.

School Year 2025-2026
* Admissions in 6e

More info Site web de l'Académie de Nice

Information meeting
The Académie de Nice will host an online information meeting for the 2025/2026 School Year 6e International sections recruitment: 
Thursday November 28th, 2024, online from 6:00 PMMeeting link

6e online tests registration: from Friday December 6th , 2024 till Monday January 27th, 2025 (11 PM) 

6e admission written and oral tests in English/French (50/50): 
Wednesday March 5th PM, 2025 (written) Collège César – Roquefort les Pins
Wednesday March 19th PM, 2025 (oral) either at the Collège Niki de Saint Phalle, Valbonne or Collège L'Eganaude, Biot. 
Place and time will be confirmed on the convocation sent by the Académie de Nice.

6Test results:  result and college allocation notified by the Académie from Wednesday April 2nd, 2025 by email only.

Validation of the collège allocation: from Wednesday April 2nd, 2025 till Monday April 7th 2025.

Collège registration: Dates to come
Registration must be completed with the Collège allocated by the Académie de Nice and also with ASEICA, the International Anglophone Section. See International Section 2024-2025 School Fees (to be updated for School Year 2025/2026).

* Admissions in 5e, 4and 3e  

5ème, 4ème and 3ème are not recruitment levels in international section collège but there may be a few admissions depending on students leaving the anglophone section at these levels.

See recruitment conditions if applicable : Site web de l'Académie de Nice under "Admission en 5ème, 4ème et 3ème section internationale dans le département des Alpes-Maritimes".

From Monday March 10th till Wednesday Mai 21st, 2025 : anglophone international section on line admission request in one of the Alpes Maritimes collèges in 5e, 4and 3for School Year 2025-2026.

From Monday June 23rd, 2025 : result and college allocation notified by the Académie depending on available places.


ASEICA, the "Association pour le soutien de l’Enseignement International sur la Côte d’Azur", has worked with the French state education system for more than 30 years, promoting high quality, bilingual education for thousands of children.

The demand for places is high and entry is based on tests carried out each year. Children should have a good level of English and French, particularly in the older classes.

The test procedure is common to both Sartoux and Trois Collines Mougins schools. Tests and results are overseen by the Inspection Académique. A proof of residency is required by the Inspection Académique and will be checked when applying for the entrance test. 

The tests are carried out in both languages, with an increasing expectation of writing and reading ability through the age groups. The combined language scores, weighted according to the grading criteria, are used to generate the list.

Tests results: The Inspection Académique will send results directly to families by email. Children are accepted starting from the best mark according to the number of places available. A waiting list is also kept with these places being allocated when final numbers are known. 

Once you receive the results, it is mandatory to confirm online, complete registration with the school and townhall, as well as with ASEICA, the International Anglophone Section.

The majority of children admitted for the tests are in the CP level (year 2, grade 1). From year to year places can become available at other levels. This is dependent on pupils leaving the program.

Primary Admissions for School Year 2025-2026

More info and links: Académie de Nice website

The Académie de Nice will host an information meeting for the 2025/2026 School Year Elementary International sections recruitment on Thursday December 5th, 2024, 6:00 - 8:00 PM, ONLINE Meeting link

Available places for School Year 2025-2026
Ecole Elémentaire Sartoux (Valbonne) : 
24 CP and 2 CE2 / Ecole des 3 Collines (Mougins) 14 CP and 10 CE1

Test registration for admission: on the Académie de Nice website from December 2nd, 2024 till February 2nd, 2025.

Test: Wednesday March 12th, 2025 AM, Trois Collines elementary school, Mougins.

Results: Notification of allocation and admission results to families by email via ISI1D and online on ISI1D."

Validation by families: from April 1st till May 4th 2025.

It is compulsory to complete registration with the city (for Mougins and Valbonne schools), the elementary school and also with ASEICA, the International Anglophone Section. See International Section 2024-2025 School Fees for the current School Year, to be updated for 2025-2026.

Ecole Sartoux 
Ecole Trois Collines


Anglophone Curriculum for CM1 & CM2 pupils

ASEICA offers lessons on Wednesdays to teach an Anglophone Curriculum to children of CM1 and CM2 age groups that are not already enrolled in the International Anglophone Section.

Time: Wednesdays 1:30 - 4:30 PM

Location: Ecole Elémentaire de Garbejaire

Level tests: Wednesday July 3rd, 2024 (attendance is compulsory)

Lessons start:  Wednesday September 4th, 2024

Annual fee: 850 € not refundable once class starts

Important: English on Wednesdays classes are designed to tutor pupils in the English language. They are not designed to train pupils for the entrance tests for sixième in the local International Sections, and do not in any way guarantee that pupils will pass these tests.

EOW registrations for School Year 2024-2025 are closed. For details about next school year please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.